5 West Olive Plaza, Scranton, PA 18508

Basketball Leagues

2024 Run 'N Gun HS Boys League
Boys high school league for players not currently rostered on their school team.
8 game guarantee (7 regular season + 1 playoff)
Price: $325 per team
Games: Sunday afternoons
***All teams must have an adult as a coach***
Registration Deadline: Dec 31st
2024-25 Winter Basketball League
Basketball League for boys and girls teams grades 4th-8th
November 25th to February 3rd, 2025
Games played on Monday nights
Boys Divisions: Boys 4th/5th, Boys 6th, Boys Junior High
Girls Divisions: Girls 5th/6th, Girls Junior High
Divisions: Competitive & Recreational
Price: $475 for a 7 Game Season + Playoffs (8 Game Guarentee)