5 West Olive Plaza, Scranton, PA 18508
Summer Day FAQ's

We’ve pulled together some basics to help you get started

What is a typical day at Summer Camp like?

Here is a sample schedule for a typical day at Summer Camp! 
9-9:30 – Warm up; Run ‘N’ Fun Games
9:30-10:45 – Organized Sports Play
10:45-12:00 – Sports Play/Arts N Crafts/ Guest Speaker
12:00-1:00 – Lunch
1:00-1:30 – Open Play
1:30-3:00 – Movie
3:00-4:00 – Organized Sports Play

What does my child need to do for theme days?

We have theme days each week! If campers wish, we encourage them to dress to the theme! Check out our Event Calendar to see what theme days we’re having the week your child comes to camp!

Who are the special guests you mention in your brochure?

We have several guests coming to camp each year! Petting Zoo, Super Heroes, Tux The Penguin and MORE! Check out our Event Calendars to see what dates these awesome guests will be visiting!

What should my child bring to camp?

Campers should always bring a water bottle to camp! A hat, jacket, and sunscreen are also recommended. Riverfront will provide a water cooler with unlimited free water but bottled water will also be available for purchase at the concession stand. Campers can bring a lunch or any snacks for the day

Should my child pack a snack and a lunch?

NEW FOR 2025: We will no longer provide daily snacks. You are more than welcome to pack your own snacks and lunch. You may also bring money to purchase snacks from our concession stand. If you bring money, please have it in a Ziploc bag or envelope labeled with the camper’s name. Lunch can be purchased for an  additional $10 per day.

What are the lunch options to buy?

Here are the lunch offerings we have. A slip like this is filled out every morning at check in. You can download the form and fill it out at home. It must be handed in every morning at check-in.Lunch must be paid the day of camp. We will no longer bill lunches. You can pre-pay for the week. Click here for our lunch menu!

My child is on medication. How does staff handle this?

Please make sure your Riverfront Medicine Authorization Form is filled out. This can be found in the Welcome to Camp email you receive prior to your child’s first day of camp.Our Camp Director stores all medication and distributes if necessary.

Do I need an account to register for Summer Camp?

Yes, you need one LeagueApps account per family. On this account, you can add all parents (or grandparents) and all children on the same account. Any adults on the account will receive correspondence through your account regarding news or updates.

How do I receive discounts for Summer Camp?

When you buy bulk days (which can be used any time), you receive a different daily rate. This also applies if you buy a full calendar week. Sibling discounts are available on daily purchases, BUT MUST BE DONE IN THE SAME REGISTRATION SESSION

What are the hours of Summer Day Camp?

The core camp hours are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We offer extended hours as well. Early drop off begins at 7:30 am. Late Pick up ends at 5:30 pm. Campers can arrive in the morning at 8:45am and leave at any time during the day. We also offer Lunch Bunch, which is for Half Day campers who would like to join us for lunch. All extended hours are an extra charge of $8. If you are coming early or staying late, please notify us via email at camp@riverfrontsports.com 24 hours before the camp day so we can properly staffed.

Are there any extra charges for field trips?

Yes,  Leahy Fun Park, Movie Trip, Idle Hours, Railriders game, Aquarium and Nova Trampoline Park will have an additional charges for admission and transportation.. These charges are vary depending on the trip. Registration for field trips is on LeagueApps. There is no up-charge on this admission pricing. Children can still attend regular camp even if they don’t take the field trip.
Field Trip Pricing – Includes Transportation and Admission. You must still pay camp daily fee. (Subject to change)
Pricing for field trips will be posted soon.

When is the deadline to register for a day? 

You must be registered 24 hours before the day the camp happens. So if you want to attend Tuesday, you must be registered by Monday at midnight. Walk-ins will not be allowed to attend, even if they are bulk day if you don’t RSVP at least 24 hours before the camp day.

What is your policy on bullying?

Riverfront Summer Day Camp does not tolerate bullying in any form and is pro-active in prevention and firm in enforcing our Anti-Bullying Policy. 

What is the cancellation policy?

We ask for a 24-hour notice if possible. Full refunds or credits will be issued with 24-hour notice.  If something unexpected arises please give us a call or email to let us know the camper will not be attending for the day.

What is the Camper-Staff Ratio?

Our camper to staff ratio is 10:1. We try to split into 3 different age groups, Rookies (5-6), Juniors (7-9) and Pros (10-12). Field Trips have a higher staff ratio.

Do you offer a payment plan?

You can buy days in bulk to get discounts or pay as you go (4-week plans or more). However, you must be paid in full for any camp day you do attend before you arrive.

What if my child doesn’t like sports?

We offer other activities for those who aren’t interested in sports. We like to introduce campers to a wide variety of activities to get their bodies moving! Coloring, arts and crafts, board games, and many special guests help those not so interested in your traditional sport!

Do the counselors have proper clearances and certifications?

Yes, our staff has Child Abuse and State Clearances as well. We always have a CPR certified staff member in the building.

What if I have an issue with somthing at camp?

Riverfront is trying to provide a safe and fun environment for all our campers. We would like to know if there is something you have an issue with or a question about. Email our camp managers at camp@riverfrontsports.com